1oz Dropper Bottle
Made in the USA - All Natural Plant - Increase Metabolism - Purify The Body
Brigham Tea is an exceptional liquid tonic, toning up many parts of the body. A decongestant and bronchial dilator. It has a reputation of helping arthritis, rheumatism, cancer, bursitis, painful muscle and joints, relieving toxic conditions, purifying the blood, and aid to kidney and bladder problems, and may relieve allergies and hay fever.
Brigham Tea, also known as Mormon Tea, is a great health plant, it's a super fat burning product, increases metabolism and energy. We at NuValenz value its many natural abilities to help balance one’s metabolism.
Brigham Tea is a great health plant, containing natural trace minerals and vitamins. The NuValenz NON ALCHOHILC extraction method, potentizes and retains all the valuable properties of the plant.
This special plant is like no others in that it is grown in a habitat free of chemicals and pollution, a product produced and harvested in the high desert of Utah, USA.
Health Benefits of Brigham Tea
- Increasing Energy
- Stimulating the Metabolism
- Aiding Weight Loss Efforts.
- Natural Probiotic
This tincture is an all-natural designer product developed by NuValenz. The patent-pending extraction process potentizes and retains all the valuable properties of the plant. Our product is grown in a chemical-free, pollution-free environment and manufactured without preservatives or fillers.

*** This product is not to be sold for treatment, prevention, cure or mitigation of disease. This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ***